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5 Helpful Tips to Care For Your Diabetic Foot at Home

Diabetes is a growing problem in our country. Approximately 34.2 million Americans have diabetes, and 1 in 3 are at serious risk or are prediabetic. Many of those with diabetes will also have to deal with foot problems as a result of this disease. 

The high levels of sugar in your blood cause nerve damage and changes in your circulatory system. This can make it difficult for you to both detect and recover from cuts, sores, and blisters on your feet, putting you at risk for open, slow-healing wounds and infections. 

Fortunately, you have access to a diabetic foot specialist. Dr. Kelly Geoghan knows how diabetes can permanently alter your life. That’s why she wants to be a part of your diabetic care team and help you avoid the potentially harmful foot conditions that can arise. She’s sharing five simple ways you can take care of your feet when you’re diabetic.

#1: Inspect your feet daily

You probably never gave your feet a second thought until you received your diabetes diagnosis. But now it’s imperative to make inspecting your feet a habit. Check the bottoms of your feet, the heels, and even between your toes for cuts, blisters, redness, or swelling. 

Try using a magnifying glass or small mirror for hard-to-see areas, and be sure to make an appointment with Dr. Geoghan if you detect even a small injury. 

#2: Cut your nails carefully

It’s important that you are diligent when clipping your toenails. If you cut them too short, you could develop an ingrown toenail that could become infected without you realizing it. Do your best to cut your nails in a straight line and file any sharp edges. 

#3: Keep your feet warm and dry

Temperature plays a huge role in the health of your feet. Keep them warm and dry by wearing clean, dry socks and avoiding walking through wet snow and rain. 

If your feet get cold, especially at night, don’t heat them artificially with heating pads, Instead, warm them gradually and safely with socks. 

It’s even important to control the temperature of your baths and showers. Avoid soaking in hot or cold water, and set the temperature to lukewarm. 

#4: Never walk barefoot

This goes for outdoors and indoors. You can never be sure that the ground you walk on won’t cause an injury. Always wear slippers or shoes to avoid stepping on something or scratching your feet while walking. 

#5: Manage your diabetes

One of the best ways to avoid issues with your feet is to keep your blood sugar levels under control. This will limit the damage done to your nerves and circulatory system and help you support your foot and overall health. 

Of course, there’s no amount of at-home care that can take the place of Dr. Geoghan’s expertise. She is uniquely trained to detect even the smallest warning sign of a foot problem, so it’s a good idea to schedule regular exams with her even if you keep up a good foot-care regime at home. 

If you’d like even more at-home diabetic foot care tips or would like to see Dr. Geoghan for a potential foot problem, request an appointment at our Lutherville, Maryland office online or over the phone today.

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